On January 22d, the Messiah Lutheran Church's Older Wiser Lutherans or OWLS as they are known conducted a Souper Cake Walk. The event included a dinner of Soup, Salad, and Bread.

When the staff of the Messiah Lutheran Blog received the pictures from the Souper Cake Walk event, we were a little puzzled. We decided to interview Ellie Nelson who is one of our blog's staff photographers and a contributing writer. "What's up with the Funny Hats?", we asked. Ellie stated that hats were part of the Cake Walk. Everyone joined in a circle and passed around the fashionable hats while the music played. If the music stopped while you were holding the hat, you were allowed to go and choose your cake from the beautiful selections lovingly prepared by our talented bakers.

The event certainly looked like it was a lot of fun.

And the staff of the Messiah Lutheran Blog is getting hungry just looking at all of those great cakes.

The OWLS are a loosely knit group of folks (over 50 years of age) who get together once a month for an activity. These activities vary from a potluck at the church, Sunday brunch at a restaurant, miniature golf, a visit to the Botanical Garden, to attending the "Living Christmas Tree" concert. Both men and women are welcome. And don’t let our name fool you. We may call ourselves the “Older” Wiser Lutherans, but we know we’re all young at heart.

Please call Jan Murphy or the Church Office if you wish to learn more about the OWLS.