Fourteen members and friends of MLC will be touring the Holy Land November 1-10, led by Pastor Scott and Bonnie Jane Peterson. They will start in Galilee where Jesus lived, worked, and began his ministry. Then they will travel to Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. Watch this blog for reports on their adventures. Please include these pilgrims in your prayers as they are on this journey of faith.
This year's Handemade Market will be on Saturday, October 22nd from 9 - 4.
Contact Jackie Myers for more information.
Drop off items and inventory on October 13, 14, 18, 19 at 9 am at Messiah. **The sooner you drop off the items the better, but on those days we will be at church pricing and tagging all of the items.
Baked items can be dropped off on Friday, October 21st at 2 pm, or Saturday, October 22nd at 8 am.
Proceeds from the Handmade Market are used to support our Lunches For Learning Ministry.
Last year, the talented artists and craftsmen of the Messiah congregation donated over 700 items. The donated items include every imaginable manner of handicraft including paintings, photographs, sewed and knitted items, woodwork, food, seasonal decorations and much, much more. A host of volunteers organized the donations and manned the cash registers. The community turned out in full force to support the event. In total, over $3,750 was raised. We can do even better this year.
Lunches for Learning exists to help break the cycle of poverty by providing nutrition and nutritional supplements to the very poor children in public schools in the Republic of Honduras. It costs approximately $15 per month to feed one child a nutritious meal each day of the school year. In the schools where the Lunches for Learning program have been in place, the results have been outstanding. The children are coming to school to receive a meal, but they are also receiving an education. And those children who receive an elementary school education in Honduras are much more likely to be able to get a well paying job and end the cycle of poverty.