Good times were had by one and all at this year's Trunk or Treat and Chili Cook Off.
The kids had a great time filling up their bags with treats in the parking lot. There were some very creative costumes. All of the cars were well decorated. The lengths that some of the adult participants went to in order to decorate their cars was a little frightening in and of itself. Good job everyone.
The food was delicious as always and the games and activities for the younger kids were a lot of fun.
There were 13 different chili's entered in this year's cookoff. All of the chili's were delicious and the competition was pretty tough. Second place went to Mary Mast. Mary was only one vote behind the first place winner and she was somewhat dismayed to learn that her husband did not vote for her chili. First place went to Bonnie Flowers. This was Bonnie second trip to the winner's circle. Here last win was in 2001.
The title of hottest chili went to Stephen Strand for his 5 alarm entry. Stephen didn't think his entry was especially hot. The rest of us however were considering an emergency phone call to the EPA. We thought his chili was in the range of uranium spill, sulphuric acid, oops I accidentally drank Drano hot.
For those of you who are keeping count, here are the previous winners of the Chili Cookoff Title
1999 - Stephen Strand
2000 - Doug Hendrick
2001 - Bonni Flowers
2002 - Tammy Stender
2003 - Sue Stough
2004 - Paul Zutter
2005 - Stephen Strand
2006 - Katrina King
2007 - Paul Zutter
2008 - Stephen Strand
2009 - William Strand and Anita deJong
2010 - Dan Byers
2011 - Bonni Flowers
Special thanks to our youth director Lauren Gray and the Fellowship Committee for organizing this years event.
Today Messiah Lutheran Church embarked on a new ministry. The carpentry team, which consists of veterans of Habitat for Humanity, decided that they needed a project to keep them busy during the off season. They teamed up with Care Assurance System for the Aging and Homebound (CASA) of Madison County to build wheel chair ramps. CASA currently has 55 elderly or homebound people on the waiting list for a wheelchair ramp. Today the Messiah carpentry team help scratch one off of the list. The lady we constructed a wheelchair ramp for today has been on the waiting list since April of this year.
For the last several weeks, the carpentry team has been preparing parts of the wheelchair ramp during Wednesday Night Activities. We joke with each other that this gives us something to do while all of the people with musical talents are participating in their activities.
Today was the big build day. We met at the Church at 7am and enjoyed a hearty breakfast prepared by Joe Stuart. We then loaded up the trailer and headed out to the work site. We were joined by Max Bennett who has built over 100 ramps for CASA. He showed us some of the finer points of ramp building. We expected the build to take about 4 hours, but the learning curve coupled with a few false starts and runs to the hardware store made the build last 6 hours. We are pretty sure that we can build ramps much faster now that we have a better understanding of the process.
Our plan is to build one ramp per month. If you would like to participate in a future ramp build, please contact Owen Wasmoen for more information.
Have you noticed the transformation taking place in the front of the Church. There was a lot of activity on the Sanctuary Expansion project during the last several weeks. Here is a quick status of what has happened recently.
The the installation of the major steel supports and glulams are complete and remainder of the framing is being installed.
The installation of the roof has begun.
The steeple was delivered this week and is now sitting in pieces in the front of the Church.
The pews in the sanctuary were moved temporarily to storage to facilitate installation of the new fire sprinkler system and the new chandeliers.
Ten new pews were ordered along with new fabric to cover the 20 old pews.
A team has begun the work of designing the stained glass window which will be installed on the front of the Church.
The water system was converted from Madison water to Huntsville water.
As of this time, we expect to move back into the Sanctuary some time in February 2012.
This year's Handemade Market was a great success.
Hundreds of donated items were sold including every imaginable manner of handicraft including paintings, photographs, sewed and knitted items, woodwork, food, seasonal decorations and much, much more. The Handmade Market team also served a delicious taco lunch. The community turned out in full force to support the event. In total, over $3,500 was raised through the sale of donated items and food sales. This year $800 additional dollars will be added to the total through matching funds from Thrivent.
Lunches for Learning exists to help break the cycle of poverty by providing nutrition and nutritional supplements to the very poor children in public schools in the Republic of Honduras. It costs approximately $15 per month to feed one child a nutritious meal each day of the school year. In the schools where the Lunches for Learning program have been in place, the results have been outstanding. The children are coming to school to receive a meal, but they are also receiving an education. And those children who receive an elementary school education in Honduras are much more likely to be able to get a well paying job and end the cycle of poverty.
Many thanks to all of the artisans and craftsmen, coordinators, shoppers and volunteers who worked so hard to make this event a success.
Fourteen members and friends of MLC will be touring the Holy Land November 1-10, led by Pastor Scott and Bonnie Jane Peterson. They will start in Galilee where Jesus lived, worked, and began his ministry. Then they will travel to Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. Watch this blog for reports on their adventures. Please include these pilgrims in your prayers as they are on this journey of faith.
This year's Handemade Market will be on Saturday, October 22nd from 9 - 4.
Contact Jackie Myers for more information.
Drop off items and inventory on October 13, 14, 18, 19 at 9 am at Messiah. **The sooner you drop off the items the better, but on those days we will be at church pricing and tagging all of the items.
Baked items can be dropped off on Friday, October 21st at 2 pm, or Saturday, October 22nd at 8 am.
Proceeds from the Handmade Market are used to support our Lunches For Learning Ministry.
Last year, the talented artists and craftsmen of the Messiah congregation donated over 700 items. The donated items include every imaginable manner of handicraft including paintings, photographs, sewed and knitted items, woodwork, food, seasonal decorations and much, much more. A host of volunteers organized the donations and manned the cash registers. The community turned out in full force to support the event. In total, over $3,750 was raised. We can do even better this year.
Lunches for Learning exists to help break the cycle of poverty by providing nutrition and nutritional supplements to the very poor children in public schools in the Republic of Honduras. It costs approximately $15 per month to feed one child a nutritious meal each day of the school year. In the schools where the Lunches for Learning program have been in place, the results have been outstanding. The children are coming to school to receive a meal, but they are also receiving an education. And those children who receive an elementary school education in Honduras are much more likely to be able to get a well paying job and end the cycle of poverty.
On Saturday, October 8th, Messiah Lutheran Church conducted a Blessing of the Animals Service. At Messiah Lutheran Church, along with many other churches, it has become the custom to bless pets on St. Francis day.
St. Francis enjoyed a legendary relationship with animals, and stories about his experiences with them abound. It is said that St. Francis loved animals so much that he regularly bought captured birds and freed them.
Perhaps the best story about St. Francis concerns a wolf that was terrorizing an Italian town. St. Francis convinced the townsfolk to feed the animal regularly in exchange for its friendship. Though there were no wolves at Messiah's Blessing of the Animals Service, there were 10 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 Guinea Pig. The Guinea Pig was a little nervous with all of the bigger animals around, but the spirit of St. Francis prevailed and all of the animals were on their best behavior.
During the service, Randall Fields performed an excellent solo rendition of "God of the Sparrow" while holding his dog. It was very impressive.
Do you give special thanks for the animals who share your home? Do you count them among the blessings of this life?
Gracious Lord, thank you for the gift of animals. Thank you for making these dear creatures which have become blessings in our lives. May we see in them your unfailing love, and may we share with them your boundless compassion. Amen.
Special thanks to Jonianne Ridzelski McCombs who coordinated the Blessing of the Animals service and delivered a lovely meditation on why animals are important to her. The following is the text of her meditation:
Years ago I asked Pastor Scott if we could have a Blessing of the Animals at Messiah Lutheran Church. He seemed pleased as well as scared.
Pleased because he was and is well-versed in St. Francis Assisi. Scared because he is allergic to cats.
Many churches celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi on October 4 each year. The feast commemorates the life of St Francis. It is a popular time for pets to be “blessed”.
Saint Francis was the First Advocate for Animals. He is known as the patron saint of animals and ecology (or environment). He is also known as the Promoter of Peace, Simplicity, and Harmony. In a time when animals were last in line to be treated with any respect, Frances understood the need that respect begins with all creatures.
These services are a powerful way to celebrate both Francis's and God's compassionate concern for all creatures.
She works like a dog. He eats like a pig. He eats like a bid. Or she gets my goat. They let out a wolf-whistle which really embarrassed her, because she's as timid as a mouse.
Where would we be without our animal friends? Our figures of speech would be so much less rich, for one thing. Animals have provided covering for our fragile skins, food for our empty bellies, bones for tools, oil for light, free labor for our fields and farms, subjects for scientific experiments that have benefited you and me.
And yet for most of us, our connection to the creaturely world comes exclusively through the companionship of those animal friends we call our pets. For the more politically correct animal advocates, "animal companion" is the preferred term, as it takes away the connotation of ownership. After all, do we really "own" our pets or do they own us? From my own experience as a caretaker of many animals in my life -- I would vote for neither. We' re responsible for their food, shelter and veterinary care -- and to that extent are their keepers -- but truth be told, they "keep" us just as surely as we keep them, but they keep us through bonds of unconditional affection. We keep them through care and they keep us by loyalty.
We love our animals. They ask so little. They respond to the simple pleasures of existence with such fullness of spirit.
For me, there was no question that this celebration or blessing was something that I want to do. Something I care about.
From my very first animal companion. As a little child. I still remember snuggling up to a poodle that nobody wanted because her body wasn’t the show-dog type of body. She was the runt. But she was my buddy. All the way through my teenage years. I remember when she died and how it hurt me more than anyones death before her.
To my two cats now. The snuggling with my animal friends is so therapeutic. Talking to my cats is so therapeutic. Playing with my cats is so relaxing. They are such a blessing.
But what is a Blessing?
I have talked about the blessing of the animals and how my animal friends are a blessing.
I looked up the definition on-line.
1.) God's favor and protection as in may God continue to give us his blessing
2.) A prayer asking for such favor and protection as in a priest gave a blessing as the ship was launched
3.) Grace said before or after a meal
4.) A beneficial thing for which one is grateful; something that brings well-being
5.) A person's sanction or support as in he gave his blessing for his daughter to marry.
But I like the verb of Bless, which is to honour something.
The animals in my life have brought me such comfort and joy. It is a way I could bring them into my spiritual life and honour them.
What looked like a pet show was actually a blessing in disguise.
We call this service the blessing of the animals. But of course, it is they who bless us.