Thursday, December 22, 2011

Season of Giving

Tis the season of giving and that is exactly what Messiah Lutheran Church is doing. This week, several members of the Messiah Congregation collected up the gifts from our Angle Tree and delivered them to the Downtown Rescue Mission. This year we collected gifts for more than 30 children.

The Downtown Rescue Mission is a nonprofit organization serving the homeless living throughout northern Alabama and southern Tennessee. For more than 30 years, the Mission has saved lives and has had a profound impact on thousands of others by providing Christ-filled, enriched and compassionate services to those in desperate need.

In total, an estimated 200 children from the community will be coming to the Mission to receive toys at the annual Christmas Children's Party on Friday, December 23.  This event is organized and executed by Mission staff and volunteers. The program has always been a wonderful experience that is fun for both adults and children of all walks of life.

Messiah also delivered clothing and gifts to Jamie, the social worker at Madison Crossroads Elementary School. Jamie immediately picked out a jacket for a boy who needs one. She also picked out presents for the last few children she needed gifts for.

Messiah also provided a bag of books and a set of puzzles for Health Establishments at Local Schools (HEALS) which is an non-profit health clinic next to Madison Cross Roads.

Many thanks to the Messiah Outreach Team and all of the congregation members who so generously provided the gifts and clothing for these great causes. You have touched many lives and have shared God's love and blessings.

If you would like to learn about additional opportunities to help those in need, please contact Janell Zesinger or the Church office.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Milestone Christian Academy

Last week several members of Messiah Lutheran Church visited our adopted school, Milestone Christian Academy. While there, they delivered gifts from the congregation and spent time visiting with the school staff. Milestone Christian Academy, a division of Milestone Development Inc., was founded in 2008. It is a Christian based nonprofit organization that began as a small after school program serving only 25 children's in Huntsville, Alabama. It has now expanded to a new facility, and is licensed to provide service for over 100 children.

Milestone is unique, in that it offers a sliding fee scale based on income, for qualifying parents, who are employed or attend and educational instrtution. With the help from donations and grants, Milestone provides schalarships for tuition. Enrollment consists of full paying clients, single family homes, homeless children, and children under protection service. Milestone serves children from 6 weeks of age to 12 years. Their program offers more than just "child care". They provide a rich, nurturing environment for children's cognitive, social and physical growth in a fun learning enviorment.

Milestone believes that children are a gift and reward from GOD. They are capable, active leaners, constructing their knowladge through exploration, investigation, story, and play.

 If you you would like to learn how you can help Milestone Christian Academy, please contact Claire Strand.

Related Articles

Dec 29, 2010

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Steeple Raising, December 14, 2011

On December 14, 2011 Messiah Lutheran Church raised its new steeple as part of the Sanctuary Expansion Project.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wheelchair Ramp 3

On Saturday, the Messiah Carpentry team constructed another wheelchair ramp for a gentleman in Huntsville.  Despite a chilly morning, the ramp was constructed in a record time of just two hours on the work site.  So this record begs the question, Why was the ramp constructed so quickly?  Was it because everyone wanted to get out of the chilly air?  Maybe.  Was it because we didn't have to make a single trip to the hardware store?  Maybe.  Was it because we we had 11 carpenters show up for this build?  Maybe.  Was it because Joe Stuart fed us an awesome breakfast of Sweet Potato Pancakes and Hot Sausage?  Probably not, but that didn't hurt and it sure got everyone energized.  The real answer is that after building several other wheelchair ramps, we have generally figured out how to get the job done without a lot of wasted energy.

These wheelchair ramps are built in support of CASA of Madison County which provides them free of charge to aged and homebound people.  The Messiah Carpentry Team is led by Owen Wasmoen.  If you would like to participate in a future wheelchair ramp build, please contact him for additional information.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ring and Sing 2011

Without a doubt, Messiah Lutheran Church is blessed with some exceptionally talented musicians.  They gathered together this week to share their remarkable talents as part of Messiah Lutheran Church's Annual Ring and Sing Concert.    Special thanks to Rhonda Gaede for organizing all of this talent and making this such a wonderful event.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Building Getsemani, El Salvador

November 5–13, 2011
By Susan Burrer do you go on a mission trip and not be changed in some way—not possible. First of all—what is a “mission trip”? I believe it is whatever God speaks to your heart to do for others, whether across the street or in some far-off corner of the world; it is your particular way to pass on your blessings—play it forward—in my case, building houses with the people of El Salvador...only it is SO much more than that!

This was my fourth trip, the first three building Villa Esperanza, a Thrivent/Habitat for Humanity village of 75 houses, a community center, a preschool, and an outdoor marketplace—all now complete; this time, Getsemani, a community on the outskirts of Ahuachapan. Here, Thrivent/Habitat will build 90 houses over 3 years and develop programs in community leadership, values education, community health, cultural exchange, and microentrepreneurship. Ahuachapan is a city nestled in the valley of the mountain range Ilamatepec, located in the department of Ahuachapan, one of the 14 in El Salvador, bordering Guatamala and the Pacific Ocean. This department is rated as extreme poverty...what will that mean to us throughout the week?

Our team of 13, the other 12 from North Dakota, hooked up in the airport at San Salvador with Aleks, a local Habitat employee and friend from previous trips, and stayed the night there at the LaPosada del Angel Hotel, a quaint, very hospitable, little place, where we had orientation and regrouped our gifts of health/school supplies for the children of the church and those to take to the village. We also had our first El Salvadorian meal of various pupusas, a thicker tortilla made with freshly ground corn dough and stuffed with cheese, beans, or meat, and then grilled...yum!

Inside Cristo Rey Lutheran Church, Santa Ana; note pedestal flower pot is the baptismal font
From El Salvador 2011

Church—Sunday morning we loaded up everything again for the hour ride to Santa Ana...our team picked going to Cristo Rey Lutheran Church again, where we have been going the past four trips, instead of a larger church in San Salvador. There is something truly spiritual worshiping here, even though there isn’t much of the church and surrounding buildings left after it was destroyed in an earthquake in 2001. The church motto is “we are a poor church who serves the poor,” as most of the members are low-income families who work as day laborers, factory workers, or street vendors and many do not have decent homes themselves, but yet actively supported Habitat by coming to build houses for others in Villa Esperanza every Saturday. We also pick up our interpreter, Ronald, an awesome young man, an El Salvadorian, very compassionate with a truly caring heart, and perfect for the role he has in keeping everything going!

Outside the church—Pastor Carlos; Church coordinator,Carlos; Pastor’s wife (also a pastor), & Ronald

From El Salvador 2011

One little elderly lady in particular touched our hearts from the first time we met her—and don’t let her small size of not even 4 feet fool you—she was still quite able to sift sand or move block with the best of them!—but as she opened her small coin purse in church and removed the few remaining coins, she just had a glow about her, and was pleased that she could contribute to God’s work, and us knowing that it no doubt probably was her last coins—she had faith, and gave them with a thankful heart...

From El Salvador 2011

As usual, the newest members on our team got to participate in the service by reading the lessons in English and serving the communion. The songs are all sung in Spanish, without a piano...we try to keep up the best we can, some better than others!...but it is especially enlightening when the song is one we sing in our church, such as “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore,” which we’ve sang three out of the four times! And no, I have not been requesting it, but it is so moving when sung in Español a cappella. When the service was over, all the children got up to sing several songs for us. We then presented the school and health kits we brought for them.

Accommodations—the opposite end of the spectrum this time...instead of staying in the midst of the busy city of Santa Ana, we are staying up on a mountain side at Hotel Alicante Montana (almost 5,000 ft in elevation), a beautiful, peaceful setting despite the armed guards at the gate...rustic but very moderized ...but still, we must stay focused...use bottled water for things like brushing our teeth, and no paper in the toilet...neither comes natural! There is no air conditioning, but not now needed, especially every evening when the sun sets, the strong mountainous “river of winds” pick up, blow like crazy!, all night until sunrise, when they normally go down for the day. After a hearty breakfast of eggs, beans, plantains, fresh fruit, and plenty of their wonderful locally grown coffee, we are ready for the 25-minute van ride down the mountain to embark on our mission.

As we start our further descent into Getsemani on the rocky trail with big pot holes from the recent torrential rains, we see building is going to be a little more challenging here with the slope of the hillsides. We will find out more about that as the week progresses! As we wind through the village, many people wave or call out to us “hola” (hello) or “dias” (short for buenos dias, or good morning). The children are especially curious to see who is coming this week!

Since this co-Thrivent/Habitat for Humanity El Salvador project has been in progress all year, the community center has already been built. This is the center of activity where we will eat lunch every day, cultural exchanges take place, training for various things within the village is held, AND it has two flush toilets for our use! Latin American people are very artsy and the inside of the Center is painted reflectively, with a beautiful mural all across the front, depicting how they envision the village. Our first introduction to the families, masons, and helpers we will be working with takes place...even the little children got up to tell us their name, welcome us, and thank us for coming to help build...truly heart-warming...

Team in the Community Center: (back) Jeff, Kent, Carol, Tim, Susan, Kelly, Craig
(front) Mark, Melton, Sandy, Rita, Evelyn, Kristen
From El Salvador 2011

The Build—We will be working on three houses, two just a half block from the community center, side by side, and another a block away. The houses are all single-family style here, again no larger than 400 square feet, with two 9x9 foot bedrooms, an open area for living (where many times they run a small business in part of that space also, such as a tienda (store) or hair salon), a patio area where they do all the cooking on little stoves and the large cement, three-compartment sink resides for ALL purposes, and then the small bathroom that has running water with a sink, shower, and a flush toilet! They are built to be earthquake resistant. It seems there is much weather-related activity in this area...volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, torrential rains, flooding, mudslides...just when it seems like they are getting ahead, something happens to set them back just doesn’t seem fair.

The first of the three houses has the footers dug, which is done by digging trenches by hand—no forms—and bucket brigades (human chains) to move the dirt, tamp the soil, and join rebar to build somewhat of a frame for the cement blocks to slip over when building the walls, to tie it all together. There are a few rows of block already up. Only the local masons can lay the block with a mortar called mezcla and volunteers fill in the center holes around the rebar with chispa. Blocks have to be moved, sand sifted, and “something” transported in the wheelbarrows. Work continues all week building the walls with this family.

House 2 is farther along—work progresses putting the final rows of block on, and before the week is over, the corrugated metal roof is put on, sidewalks and patio are poured, septic tank dug, floor prepared for the tile, and walls both inside and out are prepared for painting. Has anyone shovel-dug a 6-foot-deep hole by about 4 feet wide lately on a 90-degree day?!

House 3—the house I worked on all week—was going to be the residence of Francisco, his wife Evelia, two of their sons who are in their 20’s, and a couple grandchildren who sometimes stay there while their parents work. It appeared that 50% of the block laying was done, so in between hand mixing the mescala and chispa for the masons or hauling blocks up the hill in semi-rollable wheelbarrows, our job was to build up the floor...not so bad I thought...I’m experienced moving dirt!

Francisco and Evelia
From El Salvador 2011

After our pile of loose dirt from digging out the footers was gone, we would need to pickaxe the dirt apart on the mountain, pull out all garbage and tree roots...anything that would later decay and create a hollow spot under the tile, and by bucket brigade, the dirt would be passed into the house and dumped, bucket after bucket, maneuvering around the scaffolding set up in the doorways and throughout the house, until there was about 4 inches everywhere. Then, it would need to be tamped (compacted) to prepare for the next layer, and the next, and the next... (a handmade tamper is created by an empty paint can filled with cement with a tree branch handle in it). Each morning we would ask the masons, “quantos mas” (how much more), to which they would reply “poquito” (a little more)! Guess they didn’t think us gringos could handle the truth! Come Wednesday, we got an explanation that we had to build the floor up 27 cm above the elevation of the lot above ours. The amazing thing to me all the time is nobody complains—everyone just pitches in to “get ‘er done!”

Current house of Francisco and Evelia
From El Salvador 2011

Inspiration to keep on keeping on—Unlike building Villa Esperanza where we built a whole new village on an unoccupied flat piece of ground, we learned that the shack about 15 feet behind this new house of old corrugated metal scraps, branches, mud, plastic, and whatever else there was to make a wall of some kind was Evelia and Francisco’s current home of 8 years...something you’d see in a documentary...only now, it was real...we knew their names...they had a face...we felt their hugs, these happy, loving, grateful people with much faith lived here...truly surreal for all of us...the dirt floor, the bed set up on pieces of block to keep it dry as the torrential rains wash through their house, the big barrels of clothes soaking—the laundry. You can’t feel sorry for them, in the sense that we know, because they don’t feel sorry for themselves...they look ahead, that tomorrow is going to be does not really know how to feel other than it is something unfamiliar to us. There appears a new sense of urgency and strength within to “move that dirt”!

Our dirt-moving team and masons—I’m feeling TALL next to Evelia!
From El Salvador 2011

Eventually, we heard “no mas” (no more), and moved on to put the last layers of another “recipe” that started with eight wheelbarrows of sand, all to be hand mixed twice, water added, and hand mixed twice more, and then more bucket brigades and tamping. Friday the floor was declared “done” until they put the layer of crushed lava and then tile, which would be next week’s team.

Francisco worked side by side with us every day...these people have an amazing work ethic...he did not rest it seemed. When we’d go for our 15-minute break and come back, a big mound of dirt magically appeared...he was trying to make our job easier!

Mowing grass with machetes
From El Salvador 2011

His wife Evelia was no different. She was heading up a community clean-up program with her crew working the huge lot next door when she got done working her real job. In a few hours, they “mowed” the entire lot with machetes, had it raked with “tree branch” rakes, the tall grasses loaded onto sheets of cloth or plastic, and carried off into the woods. They then proceeded to dig up the land with pickaxes and large hoes to make a community vegetable garden...truly amazing to watch them work so diligently with such primitive tools but much enthusiasm! Evelia was also “in training” to learn how to sew—many try to subsidize their income ($200/mo is a good salary for working outside the home). This “sewing group” had hoped to get the contract to sew school uniforms, which the children need before they are allowed to attend school. She proudly showed me the uniform she made when I told her I sewed too!

Their house on Friday when we left
From El Salvador 2011 what? We then started to sand the outside of the house. How do you sand a cement block house? By taking a smaller broken piece of block and using it as “sandpaper” until the wall is smooth, then you wet down the blocks, brush on several coats of diluted cement until the entire house is sealed, and ready for painting. When asked what color they had picked out for their house, Francisco beamed with joy...the bottom third would be brown and the top light blue, knowing that this was the first time in his sixty-some years to have a REAL house with walls to paint. then get the Thrivent Global Village motto...

Sample completed house—theirs will be light blue on top
From El Salvador 2011

Culture Exchange/Farewell Party—One of the things the masons look forward to all week is playing the great fútbol game (soccer) with us! One can see why that is the No. 1 sport in their country just watching even the smaller kyds play...they are good at it, and I’m sure it helps to be small, thin, fast, and coordinated! We also got to go back to Villa Esperanza on an outing to look over the completed village...many of us had not been there for the building of the market place, the last project before dedication of the village last November. Throughout the week we took a walking tour of more of Getsemani and visited the corn grinding station, toured through a house that was completed (they just welcome you in to take a look...nobody is concerned whether it is up to par for visitors or not; if you don’t have much “stuff,” it can’t be out of place!), bought a coke from the tienda in the house a couple doors down from where we were working...interesting concept! They don’t want you to take the glass bottle because it is dump it into a clear plastic bag, tie it shut, and you bite the corner off and sip it out of there when you are ready!

Preschool in Villa Esperanza
From El Salvador 2011

...oh no, not Friday ALREADY...which means saying goodbye to our new friends is inevitable. The families whose houses we worked on all week got up to gratefully thank us all for coming to help build...that it just isn’t about the house, but hope, a way to a better life, and that people like us who don’t even know them, care, and come to help. It is almost impossible to maintain dry eyes through their heartfelt thankfulness.

Some of the local ladies prepared authentic El Salvadorian food for us, while we made “dirt cups” (crushed oreos, chocolate pudding, and gummy worms) for all of them! I believe it was their first time for dirt cups, and after a little hesitancy—about the worms perhaps!, they seemed to really enjoy them! ...then the mariachi comes around the corner and it is now time to be joyous and celebrate the week with music and dancing!! All too soon the party is over!

Why go there, people ask, there is plenty of people in need here? What truly inspires someone to keep going back after the first time, now knowing the work that is involved, and the is something that really has no explanation...just a calling to do something I guess. One lady from a Canadian team working there in a different village with Habitat was there for her fourteenth time; most on our team have been there at least four times...what is it? Perhaps it is literally the sweat and tears that one shares working side by side with the look into their faces and know they have some cannot really speak, at least not in words, but the connection of our hearts is much more powerful than words could ever be. Perhaps it is the gratefulness in their faces and the feeling in their hugs. They may be poor in material things but they are much richer in faith, happiness, and spirit than we could ever hope to be...there is MUCH to be learned from our new friends.

Our hike to the inside of an inactive volcano; coffee fields in background
(harvesting was just starting—Nov. through Feb.)

From El Salvador 2011

Las Ruta De Las Flores (the route of the flowers). Our team voted to tour the coffee fields/hiking, Apeneca (an artsy shopping town), and zip-lining for our Saturday adventure day! Our guide took us to the coffee bush field where he explained
the growing process of coffee. All the dark green criss-cross trees on the mountain side are to protect the coffee beans from being blown off the plants. We then continued our hike to the top of the volcano (beautiful views) and down to the lake inside of it, where there was a flower farm. After a delicious lunch on the patio back at the base, we went to Apeneca to check out the shops, have a fresh cup of coffee, and then on to do zip-lining! The open-air bus ride up to the top was great, and the 14-leg zip-lining was awesome! The longer runs took you out across the canyon! Did I say it was AWESOME! We went back to San Salvador for the night as most had an early flight Sunday morning. As we said our team goodbyes, we wondered...not IF, but WHEN, we get to come back to El Salvador our bonds are not easily broken...

Monday, December 5, 2011

New Member Reception - 4 Dec 2011

A special welcome to the newest members of Messiah Lutheran Church! We are so happy that you are part of our Church family!
  • Greg and Meredith Kilby
  • Chad and Regina Hyatt
  • Brandon, Rachel, Gabe, Nitin, and Kreneck Gardner
  • Bill Meyer
  • Keith Bux
  • Jeff, Heather, Gabriel, and Kara Ostendorff

Monday, November 28, 2011

Benito Montoya Graduation, November 2011

 For several years now, Messiah Lutheran Church has been supporting the Lunches for Learning Program and one special school in Honduras.  This is the text of the Temple Talk delivered by one of the two missionaries who visited our school on the occasion of their graduation ceremony.

Two Sundays ago, you commissioned Sarah and me as your ambassadors to the 6th grade graduation ceremonies at Benito Montoya school in El Barrial Honduras. We promised to love them for you and we kept our promise.

Now let me try to tell you what it means to them. First just a few tourist pictures. The tropical storm at the end of the rainy season in October tore up the pan-american highway. There was room for one lane of traffic. These are sesame seed shocks harvested on the side of Elephant Mountain. We visited 2 other schools up there. The wildfowers had not dried up before our visit. Different varieties of red, pink, white, yellow, purple and orange flowers were hiding among the rocks and brush.

 Now I will try to convey what God has done in El Barrial because of you. If you made and donated a craft, shopped or worked at the Handmade market, made tacos or ate tacos at the spring taco lunch, designated your offering to L4L or prayed for their ministry then you are responsible for what I’m about to show you. You know the old saying “if mama’s not happy ain’t nobody happy?” Here’s a new one “when the kids are fed everybody’s happy.”

Remember the original kindergarten? Here is the new one. Gerard deJong secured funds for its construction from benevolence grants at his employer. Remember how the school looked when we began our sponsorship? This is the school now.

By sharing with them what God first gave you, the community and the school have blossomed like Miracle Grow in number and in spirit. About 150 children, parents, grandparents and friends came to El Barrial to celebrate not only an achievement, but also a new feeling of significance in a place where they have felt forgotten for a long time.

To make their day more like what the schools in the city do, the graduates of 6th grade and kindergarten wore new shirts, conducted a candle ceremony, and danced all afternoon.

They loved receiving the Bibles you sent. The parents especially seem to love them. For many homes that will be the only book they have. They loved the books and supplies for the new kindergarten. Each student was given a stack to carry over to the building.

And yes we did check on Deysi. The nurse from Healing the Children became a sponsor of a school and she went with us to see Deysi and offer once more the possibility of corrective surgery for her knee in the US.

The principal, the upper grade teacher, and the kindergarten teacher attribute the growth of their community to the relationship and cooperation we have together with them. They thank you with a gift and hope the relationship will continue to inspire the community

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Oct 15, 2011

Oct 23, 2011

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Israel Pilgrimage: Masada, Qumran, Dead Sea

Church at Masada
Karen and Sue in front of caves at Qumran
Bill and Marcie in front of cave #4 where Dead Sea scrolls were found

November 8-9, 2011

As Jesus came out of the temple and was going away, his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple.  Then he asked them, “You see all these, do you not?  Truly I tell you, not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down.”  When Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?  --Matthew 24:1-3

The end?  A thread running through the desert places we visited today (as we are nearing the end of our time in Israel) was the end. 

At Qumran we saw 2,000 year-old remnants of the Jewish sect usually called the Essenes.  These devout Jews grew so disgusted with what was happening in the capitol (Jerusalem), especially in the Temple, that they withdrew to the desert awaiting a final apocalyptic battle between the forces of light and darkness.  (Of course, they were on the side of light.)  Before the Romans arrived to destroy their community, they hid their precious writings in desert caves.  Those writings, discovered only about 60 years ago, are called the Dead Sea Scrolls.  They give us the oldest existing copies of the Hebrew Scriptures, our Old Testament.

At Masada we rode a cable car that took us up over a thousand vertical feet to see remnants of King Herod’s opulent palace/fortress perched atop an immense rocky plateau.  Though built by Herod, Masada is most remembered for being the location of the last stand of almost 1,000 Jewish zealots.  This was the Jewish version of the Alamo.  It took a long time, phenomenal effort, and ample resources, but an estimated 13,000 Roman soldiers finally breached the fortress walls and prevailed.  This finally ended the Jewish War, which already had brought about the destruction of Jerusalem including the Temple in 70AD.  This ending was exactly what Jesus foretold 40 years earlier (see above).  To the very end, those Zealots prayed for and set their hopes upon the Lord rescuing them.

In recent years I often have been asked by people, “Do you think this is the end?”  Usually that question has come after the most recent in a dreadful string of disasters.  Some have been distant earthquakes and tsunamis, but others have been tornadoes and hurricanes and tragedies that have hit us where we live.

So, is this the end?  Only God knows.  More important for us as Christians are Jesus’ promises that the end of this age will be good news for us.  Some have gone before us. All of us will join them in the end that our Lord has prepared for His children.  God’s end, God’s final judgment on you was announced in your Baptism.  That was when our Lord promised, “You are mine.  That is forever.”  So now, as we are…

Waiting for the end: We have been told that this good news is for us to share.  God even uses us to bring more into His kingdom.  The risen from the dead Jesus told his first disciples and tells us, “It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.  But, you shall be my witnesses, in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:7-8).

While we wait: Tomorrow our pilgrim band will celebrate the Lord’s Supper at the Garden Tomb.  (The Garden Tomb is another possible location for Calvary where Jesus died on the cross and the tomb where his body temporarily rested.)  In that simple meal we will again get the promise first announced to us in Baptism, and the nourishment needed to keep walking and witnessing as disciples of the risen Lord.

This is the end of this blog for me, but I hope and expect this is a new beginning for many of us pilgrims through life.  That is what we all are.  We are chosen and called to share the good news of our living Lord that has named and claimed us so we might be his witnesses.

Shalom from Jerusalem.  

The Dead Sea

Swimming in the Dead Sea

Monday, November 7, 2011

Israel Pilgrimage: Mount of Olives, Upper Room, Israel Museum

Marcie Emerson in front of Jerusalem model at Israel Museum
Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed." --Luke 22:7

TRAVELOGUE:  Start from the top of the Mt. of Olives, walk the path of Jesus' Palm Sunday procession into Jerusalem, stop where He wept over Jerusalem for rejecting the ways that make for peace, and near the end of that descent skip ahead four days to Thursday night to visit the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus retreated for impassioned prayer immediately before his arrest.

Wait there is more....

Next, go to the room where Jesus celebrated the Passover and transformed that ancient ritual meal into his Last Will and Testament.  Jesus bequeathed to disciples in every age all he had to give away--that is his very body and blood.  (He did this so that when we receive the Lord's Supper we get the forgiveness, life, and salvation he came to bestow.) Then--before lunch--walk the short distance to the home of High Priest Caiaphas where the arrested Jesus was brought for trial and imprisonment that same Thursday night.

That was our morning.

How does a person process all that in a few hours?  One does not.  A lifetime of learning and contemplating the majesty and mysteries of those events are not nearly enough time to digest what God was doing for us in those events.

Yet, being here to see and touch and listen does shed light on it all.  Some call the land here 'the Fifth Gospel' because it opens our eyes to the places and ways that our Lord used to work out his saving work on earth.  I would encourage those who know someone on this pilgrimage to ask her/him, "What came to light for you in the Holy Land?"

If you asked me that question right now, I would say, "God came to earth for you and me.  I saw and touched where that happened.  That did not change God, but it changed me and my comprehension of God's work for you and me."

We are very safe, but some of our group have been ill.  Today six of the 44 on our bus did not leave the hotel because of illness.  Please pray for health for all in the last few days of our time here and for our return travels.

Grace and peace!

A view of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives

Dominus Flevit Chapel:  Shaped as a tear drop representing Jesus weeping over Jerusalem

The Upper Room

St. Peter in Galicantu

Steps on the outside of St. Peter of Galicantu where Jesus would have walked

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Israel Pilgrimage Day 5: Via Dolorosa and Western Wall

Matthew and Jutta in front of Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Matthew kneels at the site of Calvary 

Christine in front of the Western Wall
Janet and Lee standing on the Teaching Steps

Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?  Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
--Romans 6:3-4

Today we arrived at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher at 8:00am.  God worked a miracle there this morning.  That is, 37 of us were nearly alone as we climbed the steps up to the chapel perched on top of Calvary/Golgotha.  It was relatively quiet and unhurried  as below the altar we knelt to touch the rock that held the cross of Jesus.  Then we descended the steps and, after a short wait, all were able to enter the tomb of Christ.

It has two chambers.  Bending low we got into the chamber of the angels.  Tradition says this is where the angel told the women on Easter morning that Jesus had risen from death (Mark 16:5-6). Then five of us at a time squeezed into the compact area believed to be where the body of Christ laid from Friday evening until Sunday morning.

To kneel and bow where everything changed for you and me and all humanity for eternity is a moving, humbling experience.  Yesterday in Bethlehem we witnessed where heaven came down to earth.  Today we witnessed the portal into heaven opened for us by our crucified, risen Lord

It was 8:57am. We walked less than a block to the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.   Before the bells stopped ringing the 37 of us were seated for the 9:00am All Saints' Sunday service of worship.  In the prayers of the church we had an opportunity to speak the names of saints who have gone before us into the Church Triumphant.

So, this morning in Jerusalem, just down the street from where Jesus died and rose, the names of Jeffrey, Margaret, Randolph, Sue and Karen's niece, and many others were raised up.  After that a meal was shared that united us with them and all the saints--past, present, and future.  For us, it was a foretaste of the feast to come.

Do you see the connections?  First, we walked and stood and knelt and touched where our Lord worked out our very salvation.  Then, in worship, we remembered it, took hold of it, celebrated it, and longed for the joyous consummation of all the hopes our Lord has given us: Just like we do every Sunday in worship.  These hopes will not be disappointed (Romans 5:1-5).

Thank you for your prayers.  They are carrying us.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Israel Pilgrimage: Bet She'an and Bethlehem

Roman Ruins at Bet She'an

Pastor Scott and Bonnie Jane are surprised to see Pastor Rolf Svanoe and his daughter, Siri from South Dakota while at Bet She'an

14 point star in Church of the Nativity representing Jesus' birth in Bethlehem

Sue Doubleday and her sister Karen Rushman at Church of the Nativity 

While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the guest room. --Luke 2:6 -7

In 320AD Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which basically served to make Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. Shortly after that he sent his mother, Helena, to the Holy Land to find the places where the foundational events of Christianity took place. So Helena came to what now is Israel and began doing her research.

In Bethlehem she built the Church of the Nativity over the location she determined was the place of Jesus' birth. That is where we were today.

It took over an hour in line to have the privilege to kneel at a small altar and touch the place where Helena's research said was the birth place of Jesus.

Think of that. Think of that some more.

God came to earth arriving as a helpless infant. God chose to become one of us. Remember this is the same God who created the heavens and the earth. The God who created sub-atomic particles and the DNA helix and the human brain and the solar system and distant galaxies and black holes, etc. etc. This God beyond our small imaginations and limited minds decided to show up as a babe. Amazing!

As we exited from the Greek Orthodox managed site identified by Helena as where heaven came down to earth, we walked through the Armenian chapel into a lovely, relatively modern Roman Catholic church. We had to be quiet because we were barging into a Baptism already in progress.

A beautiful baby girl dressed in a stunning silk Baptismal gown became a child of God as the water washed over her "In the name of the Father, and of the Son (the One who showed up as a babe), and of the Holy Spirit." What a wonderful reminder that our Lord who arrived as a babe keeps announcing His promises to children of all ages.

As we exited we witnessed something else that is rare here--rain came down upon us. In this dry, dry land, every drop is a blessing. And, that water washed and renewed and reminded us of the unfailing promises our Lord has made to you and me in Baptism.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Israel Pilgrimage Day 3

Karen Ulbricht  sitting in Herod's  Theater 

Entertainment in the Theater of Caesarea

Remnants of Herod's Caesarea

Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth

November 4, 2011

In the days of King Herod of Judea…
In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David.  The virgin’s name was Mary.  And he came to her and said, “Greetings, favored one!  The Lord is with you.”  --Luke 1:5,26-27

Today we visited Caesarea and Nazareth.  At Caesarea many of the remnants of that remarkable development are still evident.  Nazareth today is a traffic choked small city with an uneasy mix of Jews, Moslems, and Christians.  In Jesus’ time, the contrast between these two places could not have been much greater. 

Caesarea was a wonder of Roman architecture and ingenuity.  It was one of the gems built by Herod the Great.  Caesarea had an aqueduct over three miles long serving a remarkably constructed port.  Herod’s palace was on a peninsula into the Mediterranean that sported his fresh water swimming pool.  For the community Herod built an amphitheater for drama and debates, a hippodrome for sporting events and public proceedings, and residential villas to house this bustling community.  Herod the Great was a bad man who did remarkable projects. 

Nazareth, on the other hand, was an out-of-the-way little Jewish village with just several hundred residents.  When disciple Philip told his friend Nathanael he just had to meet this guy Jesus of Nazareth, Nathanael responded, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46)  It was a fair question to ask.

So, what does that say about our God who chose to announce His eternal plans for saving us from sin and death in Nazareth (rather than Caesarea or Jerusalem or Rome)?  For sure, it says a lot more than I could possibly put in this blog and infinitely more than I will ever understand.  Yet, I do believe God has some good news here for you and me.

Our Lord shows up and works among common people in common places.  The God who makes the final, eternal decisions about this world and each of us, is not impressed by architecture or ambition.  Our Lord’s ways are not our ways.  God was certainly just as present with you today, as He was when we visited the place where Gabriel announced to Mary and Jesus grew up (Luke 1-2) and St. Paul stood on trial (Acts 25-26).  Hopefully both you and we were open to hearing that.

Grace and peace to you.