Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy 20th Anniversary
On Sunday, May 30th, Messiah Lutheran Church celebrated its 20th anniversary. The event was filled with special music, displays, food, and best of all visits by old friends and family including many of the founding members of the church. There is no telling what the next 20 years will bring to Messiah Lutheran Church, but you can be sure that it will be filled with same love and energy that marked the first 20 years. If you would like be a part of Messiah Lutheran Church during our second 20 years, please contact the Church office at (256) 721-0041 for more information.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Building Houses With Second Hand Goods

This week Messiah Lutheran Church conducted a rummage sale and bake sale in order to raise funds to support Habitat For Humanity. Messiah Lutheran Church along with eight other Lutheran Churches from the Huntsville Area are sponsoring the construction of a habitat house. Habitat for Humanity builds "simple, decent, and affordable" housing. The Homes are built using volunteer labor and are sold at no profit.

Thanks to the many generous donations of goods and strong support from the community, we were able to raise over $1,800 to support this worthy cause.

Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity is a homebuilding and advocacy alliance between Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Habitat for Humanity. This alliance seeks to increase Habitat's capacity to build more homes and promote donations, volunteerism, and worldwide homebuilding trips by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' members.
Each spring, Messiah Lutheran Church along with the other Lutheran Churches in the Huntsville area sponsor a house as part of the Thrivent Builds Ministry.
You don’t need any special skills to participate. Just a willingness to help. If you would like to learn more about how you can help support Habitat For Humanity, please visit our Habitat web page, or contact the Church office at

Confirmation Sunday

Seven new warriors for Christ were confirmed at Messiah Lutheran Church this week. These seven were confirmed into adult membership of the Lord's Church by affirming the faith they entered in Baptism:
The confirmands are:
- Luke Myers
- Adam Neely
- Gina Saladino
- Michael Spence
- William Strand
- Alejandro Velazquez
- Rachael Wier

At Messiah, we sponsor a two-year confirmation program for eighth and ninth grade students. Confirmation at Messiah is about faith formation, not simply faith information. We focus upon being the church not teaching about the church. Our program includes learning events, fellowship events, service events, worship events. If you are interested in Confirmation classes for yourself or your child, please talk to Pastor Peterson or call the Church Office at 721-0041.

Monday, May 3, 2010
Messiah Youth Starve to Help Starving Children
The junior and senior youth of Messiah Lutheran Church participated again this year in the 30 Hour Famine.

World Vision's 30 Hour Famine is a worldwide movement of students who are serious about serving God and fighting hunger - all on an empty stomach. For 30 hours, participants get a taste of hunger by not eating - something more than a billion people around the world experience every day. And by doing fundraising activities, community service projects, and learning more about the facts of world hunger, students are changed in amazing ways as they help others and save lives.

During the event, for 30 hours, participants must abstain from eating food, and instead they typically drink water, fruit juices, or other liquids. Games, fund raisers, and other events may also take place to help teach and educate the participants and others about world hunger all over the world. It is also a time for education and awareness of world hunger, and an understanding of how people go without food for long periods of time. Our youth conducted a fund raising car wash to raise funds.
The youth led the Sunday Worship Service during the second day of their famine. They gave a temple talk, provided the music and delivered the sermon.

After starving all night, praying, leading worship service, raising money to feed the hungry, and washing cars, it was finally time to break their fast.

The youth all left with a greater understanding of the plight of the hungry. They all left with a belief and an understanding that we can all make a difference and have the responsibility to help our fellow man.

The 30 Hour Famine is a World Vision event in 21 countries. It started in 1971 when 14 Calgary, Alberta teenagers staged an event in a church basement to raise money for World Vision.
Thousands of teens across the U.S.,Canada, and several other countries participate to raise money and then fast for 30 hours. However, individuals can raise money and fast by themselves. In 2006, over $11.6 million dollars were raised in the United States.

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Milestone Children's Corner

This week Bill and Marcie Emerson from Messiah Lutheran Church presented a check for almost $3000 and additional school supplies to Gia Mitchell and Zefross Moss, directors of the Milestone Children's Corner. Messiah Lutheran Church has adopted the Milestone Children's Corner as one of our local outreach ministry projects.

Milestone Children’s Corner, a division of Milestone Development Inc., was founded in 2008. They are a Christian based nonprofit organization governed by a board of directors. They began as a small after school program on Drake Avenue serving only 25 children. They have expanded to a new facility, and are now licensed to provide service for 140 children. Milestone is unique because it offers a sliding fee scale based on income, for qualifying parents, who work are attend school. With help from grants and donations, they provide scholarships for tuition. Enrollment consists of full paying clients, human service clients, homeless children, and children under protective services.

Milestone Children’s Corner, a Division of Milestone Development Inc., is a Christian based, nonprofit 501 (c) (3) Childcare development center serving the community of Huntsville, Alabama. Their ultimate goal is to bridge the gap in early childcare education in socially disadvantaged communities. They desire to teach Christian values, respect for others, and self confidence. Their focus is to help low to moderate income families with the challenges of quality childcare, afterschool care, and community resources. With the help of their dedicated staff, volunteers, grants, and donations, they provide a safe, loving, educational environment where children can “Learn, Grow, and Explore.”
Philosophy: Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
If you would like to learn more about Milestone Children's Corner, please visit their website
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