On Saturday, October 24th, Messiah Lutheran Church conducted their annual Chili Cookoff and Halloween Party.

The kids came in costume and paraded through the dining room. There were some great and creative costumes.

The Jr. Youth lead the younger kids in contests and games for prizes. Sonja led them in a bone hunt etc. They had a great time!!

All of the usual Halloween suspects were present including cowboys, space men, princesses and monsters.

Some of the adults even dressed up for the occasion.

Of course the main event of the evening was the chili eating and judging.
- First prize was a tie between Anita de'Jong & William Strand
- 2nd place was William Strand
- 3rd was a tie between Paul Zutter and Anita de'Jong
- The Hottest Chili Prize went to Sonja Peterson.

The Chili Cookoff and Halloween Party are hosted each year by the fellowship committee of Messiah Lutheran Church. If you would like to see some of the other great fellowship activities that are conducted at Messiah, please visit the Fellowship Page on the Messiah Website.